OB-La-DI' s Blether Like Franjean

(CH Red Baron Kalamity Kid x OB-LA-DI' s Bright Diamond Forever)
06.06.2005 - 08.04.2020

HD-A / excellent hips

International Show Champion
German Champion VDH | Polish Champion
German Veteran Champion VDH
Leipzig Winner 2008
Landesveteranensieger Thüringen 2013 | Rheinland-Pfalz-Veteranensieger 2013


Cash is my darling. He is my second Beagle but my first real showbeagle and he did so well for me.
He carries the finest lines in his pedigree that I like so much. Especially the old Bangor lines which gives me the style and the type of Beagle I really love.
One day I will have the right girl for Cash to bring my old time favourites lines back ...

Cash was retired from the showring after he became International Champion but he might come back for the veteran ring.
Can't wait to have fun with him again.

+click on the pictures to enlarge+



CH Red Baron Kalamity Kid
CH Interim' s Sire Raffels Rothermere
CH Skansehoj´s Johan CH Daisy Hills Dynamiske Domino
CH Skansehoj´s Valonia
Interim´s Lady Idabelle Iveagh Interim´s Sir Zeus Zyrian
Interim´s Lady Fiona Fortescue
Donna vom Müntergrund
CH Red Baron SuperStar Kikapoo´s Peter Diamond
CH Red Baron Maday of Gold
Wake-Up Tiffany of Justine´s Pack Sweet Connection´s Schowy Bolero
CH Called Whisper of Justine´s Pack
OB-LA-DI' s Bright Diamond Forever
CH Daisy Hills Jonglerende Joker
CH Daisy Hill´s Bramfri Bertram CH Powhatan
CH Daisy Hill´s Jackpot
CH Daisy Hills Tyste Tusindfryd CH Daragoj Casio
CH Daisy Hill´s Kyske Karoline
CH Bangor Happyday Von Rotdornweg
CH Bangor Corn Sema-Piracanjuba CH Bangor Cornflakes
Bangor Flower Of Fire-Fly

CH Windhavens Play At Bangor

CH Shoreviews Bronco Billy
Milkshake De Aloe



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