The Retired Team

Here you'll find our retired showteam.



CH Franjean Ayrton Senna - "Senna"
CH Newlin Victor of Salenko JW ShCM x OB-LA-DI's Princess Leia

Senna is my lovely boy out of my first very own litter.
He is multiple best puppy & junior in breed & show in Poland, Germany & Great Britain.
Senna qualified easily for Crufts 2012 at his first UK Show and has multiple Juniortitles including his German Juniorchampion VDH & BCD.
His biggest success is his Runner Up Best In Show at National Dog Show in Dortmund 2011.
So far he is German VDH and Polish Champion.
Senna has fair hips and is clear for MLS, NCCD, IGS and Factor 7 deficiency.



CH Franjean Adelaide For Komsilan - "Hertta"
CH Newlin Victor of Salenko JW ShCM x OB-LA-DI's Princess Leia
owners: Pilvi - Tuulia Hautakomsi & Janne Tinnilä/FI

Hertta has achived some great results already including BOBs and BIGs.
She is back with me for holidays now and qualifies for Crufts 2013 by gaining the title Slovenian Juniorwinner 2012.
In 2013 she finished her German Champion VDH & BCD. She is retired from the showring with a Best of Breed at the Europasiegershow in Dortmund 2013.
Hertta is clear for MLS, NCCD, IGS and Factor 7 deficiency.



CH Franjean Step Right Up - "Indy"
Newlin Flint JW x OB-LA-DI' s Princess Leia

Indy stayed at our Kennel from Leia's latest litter to keep the line. 
She is "Ortenau Junior Winner" and German Champion VDH.
Indy is genetically clear for MLS, NCCD & IGS. 

Indy died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of only 3 years....




CH OB-LA-DI' s Blether Like Franjean
CH Red Baron Kalamity Kid x OB-LA-DI's Bright Diamond Forever




IntMultiCh Newlin Breeze JW - "Breeze"
CH Bedeway Artful JW x CH Newlin Osprey JW

Breeze is really the star in our Kennel. She came to live with me at the age of 10 months with the Junior Warrant in her pocket.
Breeze did a great job for me in the showring. Some of her titles are German VDH & BCD / Polish / Danish Champion. She is German Winner 2010 & Winner Amsterdam 2011.
Whilst she compained with Liz in summer 2011 she brought back 1 CC & 1 RCC.
Breeze won Mid Limit Bitches at Crufts 2010.




OB-LA-DI' s Princess Leia
CH Beagelee Finnish Spirit  x OB-LA-DI's Winsome Amidala



CH Bey Lazarowe Wzgórze
CH Oliver Baron Blyskavica  x Questa Blyskavica



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